How Tours & Travel Companies are Capitalizing on India’s Government Support Scheme for Medical Tourism

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Medical tourism in India has been boosted by a new government support scheme designed to attract international patients looking for medical services. Through this program, Tours and Travel Companies or operators have implemented innovative processes and programs to benefit visitors seeking medical care, as well as boost the industry of Indian medical tourism.

Understanding India's Government Support Scheme for Medical Tourism.

The Indian government has launched numerous initiatives to create an attractive environment and better infrastructure to attract international patients seeking medical care. These initiatives include relaxed visa rules, improved quality of medical services and facilities, lower costs for medical procedures, special rates for tour operators, and tax breaks for those who are referred to India for medical evaluation or treatment. Moreover, tour operators are providing additional support services such as travel packages and making the process of getting medical evaluations or treatments easier in order for offshore patients.

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Assessing the Impact of the Government Support Scheme on Indian Healthcare Tourism Operators.

The Indian government’s support scheme for medical tourism has had an extremely positive impact on Indian healthcare tourism operators. This includes reduced costs and fees, improved customer service and better customer experience, increased accessibility of medical services, as well as more marketing opportunities. Tour operators are exploiting these government initiatives to create competitive packages for guests that are tailored to their needs Moreover, tour operators are providing additional services such as VIP treatment arrangements in order to make the entire process effortless for both patients and families alike.

Overview of Steps Taken by Operators to Benefit from the Scheme.

Since the launch of the scheme in 2018, Tours and Travel operators have taken a number of steps to benefit from the initiative. There has been an increased focus on marketing and promoting medical tourism packages. Tours and Travel Company / operators have also launched new departmental divisions specifically dedicated to medical tourism, employing knowledgeable staff members who specialize in medical tourism-related services. Tours and Travel Companies are also providing additional on-ground services such as airport pickup and transportation arrangements as well as helping to find suitable accommodation for guests, ensuring that they have an entirely stress-free experience.

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Taking Advantage of Indirect Benefits Strategic Alliances Provide Through Government Schemes.

Tours and Travel Companies / operators have utilized government schemes to form strategic partnerships with other businesses and services. By taking advantage of the financial support provided by these schemes, they are able to form alliances with prominent hospitals, consultancies and care providers. This gives them access to world-class healthcare centers, allowing them to provide a mix of superior medical tourism packages that makes India an attractive destination for international patients. Furthermore, tour operators now collaborate with experienced professionals in hospital and customer service, providing enhanced security and comfort measures while ensuring all healthcare standards are met.

How Can Tours and Travel Companies or Operators Maximize Their Profits With the Help of Government Support?

Tour operators can maximize their profit margins while taking advantage of government support by forming strategic partnerships with related businesses and services. Through these partnerships, they can partner with hospitals and care providers to offer the best available medical care in a cost-effective manner. Additionally, tour operators must strive to provide smooth customer service experiences for international patients, as this is a key factor contributing to patient satisfaction and profitability. Moreover, tour operators should take steps to improve awareness about their packages in the international market through digital marketing efforts such as blogging and social media. 

The government intends to develop 50 tourist destinations as a complete package. While the efforts of the government to promote domestic tourist traffic by further strengthening ‘Dekho Apna Desh’ initiative and appealing to the middle class to prefer domestic tourism over international tourism is laudable, an equal or more amount of energy also needs to be channelised to promote international traffic of tourists.


India’s government support scheme for medical tourism has impacted the industry and how tours and travel companies or operators are taking steps to benefit from it. The government has launched initiatives to attract international patients seeking medical services, including relaxed visa rules, improved quality of medical services and facilities, lower costs for medical procedures, special rates for tour operators, and tax breaks. Tour operators have taken steps such as marketing medical tourism packages, launching new departments specifically for medical tourism, and forming strategic partnerships with hospitals and care providers. To maximize profits, tour operators must provide smooth customer service experiences, improve awareness about their packages through digital marketing efforts, and focus on promoting international traffic of tourists.

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